Application of Static Grounding System in rail car loading & unloading operations

Application of Static Grounding System in rail car loading & unloading operations


Application of Static Grounding System in rail car loading & unloading operations.

Application of Static Grounding System in rail car loading & unloading operations
Application of Static Grounding System in rail car loading & unloading operations

In rail car loading and unloading operations, electrostatic build-up products are transferred from storage tanks to tank cars through a loading system. As the product travels through the conveyor system to the railcar, the molecules in the product are charged with static electricity. If the railcar is not directly grounded, it can build up static charge on its surface, which will cause the railcar's voltage to rise sharply in a short period of time, causing a static fire accident

Static Grounding Monitoring Systems

The "Static Grounding Monitoring System" functions as a part of an Overfill Protection & Earthing System. These provide a visual green light indicating a confirmed grounding condition of road tanker vehicles during the transfer of flammable and combustible materials. A red light indicates the absence of dependable grounding. An interlock circuit inside the control panel will prevent pumps and equipment from starting until a satisfactory ground is established. The interlock circuit will also shut off pumps and equipment if the ground is lost during the pumping operation.